Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

We Care ART Exhibition

Selebihnya liat di album foto fb saya saja yaa, hahaha.
intinya saya senang dan sedikit minder setelah datang ke pameran ini.

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Art for AIDS

"We Care Art Exhibition"
18 Desember 2010
EMAX Kemang

ahahah, Boot, so lucky you are :p
there are so many stunning artworks
better than you, Boot!

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Kota Seni FISIP UI

Kenalin, ini Wol :)

Wol, si owl :D
temannya Boot ...

Boot dan Tukang Surat :)

saya ikut event tukang surat~ karna gak bisa nulis surat,
yaudah saya gambar aja, tp malah jadi bapuk suratnya, hahaha

*eh kenalin anak baju bergaris itu namanya Boot :)

Sabtu, 06 November 2010


Fresh n Brite DKV Binus

Today, I visited Annual Final Project Exhibition,"FRESH N BRITE 2010" at Gandaria City, yeah this is also my plan to refresh my mind, brain, and mood after 2 weeks dead in many assignment -.-' . happy, unique, and creative :) It was a great Exhibition, after saw some artworks, specially "tik tak dung....." and "magical garden" (my fav :) ) hopefully it can be my mood xxxxxxxxxxxx for my dailycampuslife :p hehehe. semangat semangat semangat walao nirmana selalu dapet "do-re-mi" semangat semangat janagan menyerahhhhh hhahahahha :p

oya, I also join a "tukang surat" event and forget to write the completely address -.-'' haha, sorry boot, I think the letter is impossible to come to your house :p

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Voler avec ma Muu

inspiration flying car from another (the story based on korea language,
unfortunately I can't understand the language, arrgghh - - )

*whoaa, flying with my best friend (ride my moo of course), we going to see a eiffel tower,
holaaa france, Je suis venu à cette

Jumat, 10 September 2010

Colección Otoño- Invierno 2010

Colección Otoño- Invierno 2010

the reason why I really falling in love with kids, maybe someday I will be a children illustrator, photographer, or even animator :p (whahaha, maruk )
Watching this video always makes me feel better (because a million tons of home works still waiting for me, aaaaaaaaaa).
okay, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, still have fuuunnn with your great holiday :)

*psstt, I really interest to learn more about french language, so still searching to find a good course in the cheapest price :p hhe.

*pssst I'd love to go to Paris one day

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010


"Saat menulis Andy's Corner ini, saya sedang berada di sebuah kafe di sudut toko buku Borders di Sydney, Australia. Kafe yang tidak begitu luas itu terasa hangat dan menyenangkan. Pengunjung ada yang sibuk ngobrol, tapi lebih banyak yang asyik membaca. Saya betul-betul menikmati "oase", di tengah hiruk pikuk kota Sydney, sore itu. Sambil menyeruput cappuccino, ......."

"Sejak itu, di bawah alam sadar saya, ada "dendam" yang terus mengikuti langkah saya. Suatu ketika nanti, jika mampu, saya akan membeli buku sebanyak-banyaknya."

hahaha, itu petikan-petikan yang paling saya suka dari buku Andy's Corner. Semoga bisa menjadi kenyataan :) .

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

going to CaCo Land

going to CaCo Land with my new boat, made from cookies, biscuits,
cheese cake, and a little bit cherry fruits :P
*fact : the clouds is made from cotton candy ,
do you wanna try? the taste is something quirky for your tongue :)
haha, sorry I am a bad dreamer

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Night at the kriBs Land

haha, someday I have a dream to become
an children illustration :P

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

new ID :)

dum dum dum ...

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010


bootlicker itu nama DeviantArt baru saya :p
tadinya iseng-iseng inin mengganti nama, tapi setelah klik sana dan klik sini
dengan sok tahunya malah hilang akunnya beserta beberapa gmbr yg ternyata
tidak disave di kompi o_O
yowes divisit yaa

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Be mine, hey *oLga :P

kamu mahal banget si *neng o_O
*inspirasi 2 mahluk ga jelas dari Pom-pom freites,
cuman yg iniversi abalnya hehe. dan juga galleri ini :)

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Me and The Dancing Animal were dancing together :D

hei hei, ada gmbr saya di blognya The Dancing Animal :D, ayo mampir, hehehe.
Terimakasihh ya The Dancing Animal, kalian baik sekalii :D

*psttt, saya mendapat inspirasi dari , visit galerinya yaa :) thanks.

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

DeviantArt Indonesia : Pameran Blender Imaginasi

Holaaa, this is my first exhibition (23-26 juni 2010, Mercu Buana university), yeay!! little quirky dream for me because I never feel that my artwork will be accepted in this event. So special thanks for DeviantArt Indonesia :) , my family and God also :D

haha, gambarnya sebenarnya kaya anak tk -..-

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Sedikit dari Goelali :)

Terimakasih Goelali, terutama Golaliers nya

sampai jumpa tahun depannnn :D

Senin, 14 Juni 2010