Senin, 24 November 2014

Rabu, 17 September 2014

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014

Safe Ways to Get Home

holaa, let me introduce you with my little friend, called her Lileen :D
We are getting closer from January and still counting until now.
Lileen is my character for final project (yess, final project is over, yeay!).
The concept is very simple, I just want to send a safety crossing a road and of course it is for kids, so I deliver my message with an interactive game. 

Still have a dream to realization this game for ipad or tablet edition :p

Latihan Dasar Melayani

banner design

poster design

invitation design

Holaa, long time no write on this blablabla land :D
Okay, these are my design for Orang Muda Katolik from
 Santo Barnabas Church.
I created banner, poster, invitation, name tag and also certificate 
for participants and committee. 
The concept is very simple, I just want to illustrate a young Barnabas,
a quirky and creative person hehe.
 Hopefully his spirit can inspire us in every step of live.
thank you St. Barnabas for your inspiration B )