Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Fresh n Brite DKV Binus

Today, I visited Annual Final Project Exhibition,"FRESH N BRITE 2010" at Gandaria City, yeah this is also my plan to refresh my mind, brain, and mood after 2 weeks dead in many assignment -.-' . happy, unique, and creative :) It was a great Exhibition, after saw some artworks, specially "tik tak dung....." and "magical garden" (my fav :) ) hopefully it can be my mood xxxxxxxxxxxx for my dailycampuslife :p hehehe. semangat semangat semangat walao nirmana selalu dapet "do-re-mi" semangat semangat janagan menyerahhhhh hhahahahha :p

oya, I also join a "tukang surat" event and forget to write the completely address -.-'' haha, sorry boot, I think the letter is impossible to come to your house :p

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